Uppsala universitet
Uppsala universitet
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Vad ligger bakom mångfalden av blommor?
Vilka faktorer är avgörande för den stora variation av blommor som finns i vår natur? Och hur stor roll spelar pollinatörer för växters evolution? Möt Nina Sletvold, professor i biologi och växtekolog vid Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum, i ett samtal om drivkrafter och samspel i naturen och hur vi kan bistå hotade växtpopulationer och pollinatörer.
Nina Sletvold, professor vid institutionen för ekologi och genetik
Anneli Björkman, kommunikatör vid Uppsala universitet
UppTalk är en populärvetenskaplig seminarieserie via Zoom där du får ta del av intressanta samtal och tvärvetenskapliga panelsamtal med forskare vid Uppsala universitet. Samtalen kretsar kring samhällsrelevanta ämnen, där du som åhörare har möjlighet att ställa frågor till våra forskare.
Переглядів: 142


Why are some volcanoes so extremely dangerous?
Переглядів 50121 день тому
Suddenly and entirely without warning, the Merapi volcano on the island of Java in Indonesia can erupt violently. In the last 100 years alone, over 1,500 people have died as a result of it. In the “ROTT'N'ROCK” research project, volcano researcher Valentin Troll seeks answers to why some volcanoes are so unpredictable. Rock samples taken from Merapi show how the hot and acidic gases emanating f...
Child sarcophagus returned to Gustavianum
Переглядів 41221 день тому
En 3000 år gammal mumiesarkofag har återvänt till Gustavianum − Uppsala universitetsmuseum efter att ha varit försvunnen från samlingarna under flera decennier. Den tros ha sålts till Boston, USA med falska papper i mitten på 80-talet. Sarkofagen har tillhört en pojke vid namn Pa-nefer-neb. Ludmila Werkström, antikvarie vid Gustavianums historiska samlingar, berättar mer om det unika föremålet ...
Master Programme in Embedded systems - Uppsala University
Переглядів 385Місяць тому
Siva Shankar studies the Master Programme in Embedded sytems, 120 credits, at Uppsala University. Find out more about the programme at: www.uu.se/en/study/programme/masters-programme-embedded-systems
Saunas can improve health
Переглядів 758Місяць тому
Att bada bastu kan jämföras med ett träningspass, i alla fall när man tittar på hur det påverkar våra kärl. Det menar överläkare och professor Hans Hägglund, som bland annat skrivit en bok där han sammanfattat forskningsläget. Nu har han också en egen studie på gång som tyder på att bastubadare upplever sig friskare än de som inte badar bastu. Men vad vet vi egentligen om kallbadets effekter? I...
UppTalk: Hur robust är Sveriges elförsörjning?
Переглядів 193Місяць тому
Vi ser allt oftare nyheter om sabotage och cyberattacker mot samhällskritiska funktioner och infrastrukturer. Hur robust är Sveriges elförsörjning mot yttre påverkan? Professor Göran Ericsson har lång erfarenhet inom området, både från akademisk forskning och som tidigare forskningschef på Svenska Kraftnät. Möt honom i ett samtal om möjligheter och risker med Sveriges elsystem. Medverkande: Gör...
Welcome to the Uppsala University Alumni Network
Переглядів 335Місяць тому
Har du läst vid Uppsala universitet? Då är du alumn! Bli medlem i Uppsala universitets alumnnätverk idag: alumnnatverk.uu.se/register Alumnnätverket är ett globalt nätverk för alla tidigare studenter och medarbetare vid Uppsala universitet. Nätverket är din möjlighet att hålla kontakten med universitetet och tidigare studiekamrater, men också att hitta nya vänner och ge tillbaka till ditt alma ...
From babies to teenagers - new knowledge on children’s development
Переглядів 1,1 тис.Місяць тому
Snart får vi veta mer om barns tidiga utveckling, i ett unikt projekt vid Uppsala barn- och babylab. Tusen barn ska följas från spädbarnsåldern till 16 år. "Det här kan bli ett stort kliv framåt för forskningen om barns utveckling", berättar Pär Nyström, som är en av forskarna i projektet. Han intresserar sig särskilt för hur skärmar påverkar barns utveckling. Läs mer om Uppsala barn- och babyl...
Welcome to the Uppsala University Alumni Network
Переглядів 196Місяць тому
Have you studied at Uppsala University? Then you are an alumnus/alumna! Join the Uppsala University Alumni Network today: alumnnatverk.uu.se/register The alumni network is a global network for all former students and staff of Uppsala University. The network is your opportunity to stay in touch with the university and former classmates, but also to make new friends and give back to your alma mat...
Svalbard - the bullseye of global warming
Переглядів 352Місяць тому
Mätningar har visat att Svalbard i Norra ishavet är det område på jorden som värms upp allra snabbast. Veijo Pohjola, professor i naturgeografi har sedan 1997 studerat isarna på ögruppen. Under de snart 30 år han följt utvecklingen har han sett hur landskapet förändras. På senare år har forskarna insett att avsmältningen går snabbare än vad de tidigare beräknat. Isen smälter nämligen inte bara ...
Gotland Game Talk with Patrick Standfast
Переглядів 115Місяць тому
Gotland Game Talk with Patrick Standfast
Hur avslöjar man deepfake?
Переглядів 105Місяць тому
Vad är deep fake egentligen - och hur avslöjar man falska budskap och desinformation? Vi frågade Thomas Nygren, professor i didaktik och expert på digital källkritik.
UppTalk: Ryms frågor om etik, genus och diversitet på teknikintensiva företag?
Переглядів 1572 місяці тому
Hur kan vi förbereda dagens ingenjörsstudenter för att fatta stora beslut med samhälls- och miljöpåverkan? Möt Nina Kivinen, organisationsforskare och programansvarig för civilingenjörsprogrammet i industriell ekonomi. Hon har utsetts till Årets Lärare av ekonomstudenter i Finland och i sin forskning studerat organisationer och kreativa arbetspraktiker där hon betonar vikten av oväntade möten. ...
Deepfakes best detected by knowledge
Переглядів 1 тис.2 місяці тому
Deepfakes best detected by knowledge
Award ceremony and panel discussion with Svante Pääbo, Alumnus of the Year 2023
Переглядів 4192 місяці тому
Award ceremony and panel discussion with Svante Pääbo, Alumnus of the Year 2023
Why are there so many volcanic eruptions in Iceland?
Переглядів 5582 місяці тому
Why are there so many volcanic eruptions in Iceland?
UppTalk: Can innovation be a solution for sustainable exploration of critical metals and minerals?
Переглядів 1852 місяці тому
UppTalk: Can innovation be a solution for sustainable exploration of critical metals and minerals?
Master's Programme in Battery Technology and Energy Storage - Uppsala University
Переглядів 1612 місяці тому
Master's Programme in Battery Technology and Energy Storage - Uppsala University
Efter examen: Kandidatprogrammet i geovetenskap
Переглядів 6972 місяці тому
Efter examen: Kandidatprogrammet i geovetenskap
När startar ditt äventyr?
Переглядів 74 тис.2 місяці тому
När startar ditt äventyr?
När startar ditt äventyr? (Syntolkad version)
Переглядів 1422 місяці тому
När startar ditt äventyr? (Syntolkad version)
Efter examen: Civilingenjörsprogrammet i teknisk fysik med materialvetenskap
Переглядів 6092 місяці тому
Efter examen: Civilingenjörsprogrammet i teknisk fysik med materialvetenskap
UppTalk: Collagen - a natural glue to repair our bodies?
Переглядів 2153 місяці тому
UppTalk: Collagen - a natural glue to repair our bodies?
Could ‘blue food’ be the food of the future?
Переглядів 3983 місяці тому
Could ‘blue food’ be the food of the future?
Gustav Malmborg världsmästare i armborst
Переглядів 2,4 тис.3 місяці тому
Gustav Malmborg världsmästare i armborst
Master Programme in Computer Science - Uppsala University
Переглядів 5124 місяці тому
Master Programme in Computer Science - Uppsala University
Hela Sveriges universitet - 2024
Переглядів 3,2 тис.4 місяці тому
Hela Sveriges universitet - 2024
Master programme in Biophysics - Uppsala University
Переглядів 2524 місяці тому
Master programme in Biophysics - Uppsala University
How to eat right - for your health and the environment
Переглядів 1,8 тис.4 місяці тому
How to eat right - for your health and the environment
Master programme in Data Science - Uppsala University
Переглядів 4944 місяці тому
Master programme in Data Science - Uppsala University


  • @-m4nGo-
    @-m4nGo- День тому


  • @87tln
    @87tln День тому


  • @Davidium84
    @Davidium84 7 днів тому

    Härlig video från dessa föreläsningar med härlig blandning av både hård fakta från arkeologin men också spekulationer om vad man hittat kan betyda. Intressant!

  • @patrikknutsson49
    @patrikknutsson49 8 днів тому


  • @Silvertestrun
    @Silvertestrun 17 днів тому

    Thank you!

  • @IngerRidell-gp1pr
    @IngerRidell-gp1pr 19 днів тому

    Jag kommer bli rädd om det bli jordbävning

  • @maggan82
    @maggan82 19 днів тому

    Så obildat att inte nämna det förkristna ursprunget Segerblotet, vårens seger över vintern.

  • @flaccvsmaximvs4510
    @flaccvsmaximvs4510 22 дні тому

    I hope they accept me! I’d love to do my masters at Uppsala!

  • @SheltieMomm5
    @SheltieMomm5 24 дні тому

    Thank you for honoring those of us who have chronic pain ❤

  • @Ade5
    @Ade5 24 дні тому

    Sverige, landet som är bäst på institutionaliserad korruption..

  • @anderswincentson3864
    @anderswincentson3864 27 днів тому

    Gud vilket hycklande! Se, palestinademonstrationer. Inställandet av minnesmanifestationen av kristallnatten. Öst europa skyddar sig mot kriminella krafter, organisationer, och ni kallar dom diktaturer, skäms.

  • @veronicaandreasson906
    @veronicaandreasson906 Місяць тому

    Kriminella psykopater DRAS till länder som Sverige där "sociala omständigheter" får bära skulden för deras våld, deras kriminalitet. Psykopati anses av psykiatrin vara medfött, obotligt och till viss grad ärftligt. Därav fylls rikets rättsalar med leende, oberörda och glatt återkommande förövare. Därav att invandrade grupper blir katastrofalt överrepresenterade i brottstatisktien. När proportionen psykopater utgör en växande procent av befolkningen sjunker empatin i hela samhället och människor mår sämre och sämre.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 Місяць тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 Місяць тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to such!!!employ

  • @jeffreyAdewaleIge
    @jeffreyAdewaleIge Місяць тому

    Mycket Bra samtal

  • @commentaryreview6276
    @commentaryreview6276 Місяць тому

    This is the best uni introduction video I've seen in europe

  • @Hoert-om4pp
    @Hoert-om4pp Місяць тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. LOOOOCKOS

  • @RamphosSweden
    @RamphosSweden Місяць тому

    Hur definitionen Fossilt bränsle skapades! ua-cam.com/video/zSff0pwc1Xc/v-deo.html

  • @immanuelhavneraas
    @immanuelhavneraas Місяць тому

    Kudos till Uppsala Universitet. Även sådana fantastiska saker som "grönt" & "hållbart" kan drivas av riskkapitalister & lögnaktiga lobbyister. Allt måste bli oberoende granskat och prövas mot vetenskapen.

  • @Peter-zt7mb
    @Peter-zt7mb Місяць тому

    Jag har en fråga...När ett vindkraftverk tjänat ut efter ca 20-30 år, ska man då riva hela kraftverket eller skulle det gå att bara byta ut bladen och eventuellt generatorn? Sen har jag ett tips för folk som är intresserade av energifrågor. Kolla in clips om vågkraft, alltså kraft som utvinns ur havsvågor. De finns att se på UA-cam wave power.

    • @montymax208
      @montymax208 Місяць тому

      Nej, det går inte att använda varken pelaren eller betongfundamentet på grund av metallutmattning (i armeringen i fundamentet). Du måste bygga ett helt nytt vindkraftverk med nytt betongfundament. Vägar och elledningar går förstås att använda till nya verk om de byggs bredvid de gamla fundamenten.

  • @brute9867
    @brute9867 Місяць тому

    Jag vill också se Kungsfiskare! Ån är lång, vart ska man börja leta?

    • @Uppsalauniversitet
      @Uppsalauniversitet Місяць тому

      Om jag minns rätt så filmade vi det här vid Ulleråker. /Marcus

  • @Hoert-om4pp
    @Hoert-om4pp Місяць тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. LOOOOCKOS

  • @Hoert-om4pp
    @Hoert-om4pp Місяць тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. LOOOOCKOS

  • @pernilsson9749
    @pernilsson9749 Місяць тому

    Gå in på Eniro sat maps, Google Earth, på Hitta, och titta på Norrlands "Skogar". "Vi hade en gpng en skog, men vart har den gått?" Totala förödda! Sedan en kommentar. Mina släktgrenar, ja till och med den som kom från Savolax o södra Karelen för 300- år sedan, kom före de som Ni benämner "urbefolkningen"! Alla egna grenar har funnits här så länge det funnits skattelängder, militärrullor, äganderättslängder mm mm mm. Inga! Inga av dessa var "soumies", "sau mies", "saam", "saami", "samer" eller annat dylikt betecknings sätt. Däremot har vi varit Lappar, nyodlare, uppodlare, hemansägare, fastboende, jägare, fiskare, samlarfolk, vägbyggare, gruvarbetare, samhällsbyggare, stadsbyggare, smeder, båtbyggare, skogshuggare, mm mm mm. Första gången begreppet "samer" beskrivs, är för cirka hundra år sedan. Och detta i samband med att några familjer kom hit som invandrare. Men, karlen som berättar om skadeverkningarna på vårat land, Nordlandens folks land, som Gustav Eriksson Vasa har inristat på sin sarkofag i Uppsala domkyrka.

  • @peteroffpist1621
    @peteroffpist1621 Місяць тому

    Det är allt för många som bygger sina åsikter på saker som inte har med marknadsekonomi att göra. Hörsägen och feta rubriker lägger man på minnet men för att förstå hur marknader utvecklas och evolverar så måste man tänka efter och se hela bilden. All ny teknik är dyr och ofullständig i början det hör till sakens natur inget kommer fulländat till marknaden. Den vanligaste och bästa metoden är att investera , prova och förbättra detta tar tid och kostar pengar. Sen måste man hinna fram till målet och det är att tillverka i volym under konkurrens under tiden föds nya idéer och förtag som förbättrar produkten i alla avseenden och en gallring sker med konkurser som följd.Konkurserna säljs oftast och köps då upp och lever vidare det blev en investering och en läropeng för marknaden. Så att vindkraftverk är ibland olönsamma betyder inte att det var en dålig investering för marknaden. De vindkraftverk som byggs idag har väldigt lite gemensamt med de som tillverkades för 30 år sedan. Nu kommer lagringen på bred front och detta kommer lösa den obalans som råder idag. Vi kan idag inte fortsätta att utvecklas utan el och den måste bli billigare och det blir den bara genom överproduktion. El är en viktig resurs som vi kan exportera och tjäna pengar på.

    • @montymax208
      @montymax208 Місяць тому

      Ja och det är därför det var idiotiskt av förra Regeringen att verka för att lägga ner kärnkraft. Men de argument du lyfter hjälper ju inte miljöpåverkan och påverkan på människor från vindkraftverk har när de nyanläggs.

  • @peteroffpist1621
    @peteroffpist1621 Місяць тому

    Vi måste ha el i alla former. Ju mer överskott vi har desto lägre pris och möjlighet att lagra samt sälja el. Det som brister idag är lagringen för att balansera nätet. Mer kärnkraft , mer vindkraft, mer solceller, lagra i vattenkraft och batterier. Så får vi vår livsnödvändiga el till ett så lågt pris som möjligt.

  • @Hoert-om4pp
    @Hoert-om4pp Місяць тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @margitmattsson495
    @margitmattsson495 Місяць тому

    Nej till vindkraft!!!

  • @lars1399
    @lars1399 Місяць тому

    Alströms fiskare

  • @fredrikthelin5542
    @fredrikthelin5542 Місяць тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly. If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @jorgen-55
    @jorgen-55 Місяць тому

    Det låter på honom som om strängteorin vore oomstridd.

  • @fredrikthelin5542
    @fredrikthelin5542 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @akilarasan3288
    @akilarasan3288 2 місяці тому

    I applied for 2024 sep and very excited for my results 😊. Thanks for sharing your experience❤.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @fredrikthelin5542
    @fredrikthelin5542 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @fredrikthelin5542
    @fredrikthelin5542 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @fredrikthelin5542
    @fredrikthelin5542 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @fredrikthelin5542
    @fredrikthelin5542 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @tulfimbul2123
    @tulfimbul2123 2 місяці тому


  • @fredrikthelin5542
    @fredrikthelin5542 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @psychologyhealingonline3939
    @psychologyhealingonline3939 2 місяці тому

    If you come by car not park as uppsala not yet have educated parking guards who can even the most simpliest rules so be careful. It require IQ to understand that this is important to employ such!!! But sweden is still a so retarded society if at least one webbpage could work properly it need education in the authorities. I think Africa is better to be honest. Brains is important so this permanent caos in swedish society so far is because/ depends of swedes have so low IQ everything is so slowly it even kill people the hospitals refuse patients regulary even what safety is this??? No disloges have behaviour of psychiatric disorders still no rights because nobody listening to it' s cidizens it not eu only a country tgat made everything to lie just to be a member of it now ut forces Hungary to sign NATO bid sick behaviour!!! A eternal shame with no beginning and end. Laughter about swedens health state as always abroad. Nuts or swede it no differebce yet sadly.

  • @adriana7136
    @adriana7136 2 місяці тому

    The university keeps stolen artifacts.Enjoy

  • @rgaleny
    @rgaleny 2 місяці тому


  • @JoEl-ph6qn
    @JoEl-ph6qn 3 місяці тому

    Har inte hunnit kolla än men man ser ju redan på rubriken vad detta är för trams. Och jag fattar redan att svaret blir Nej, vi fanns inte

  • @user-br2tt4th1v
    @user-br2tt4th1v 3 місяці тому

    Kanske det skulle gå att odla bovete och gråärt tillsammans så årtorna får något att växa på eller med Yacon en Solrossläkting för de resligare...Tack för inspiration! Nisse i Yttermalung.